
News updates

Insight newsletter is online now

Employer portal Insight May22 - 260x180
The latest Insight newsletter is now available online for members of the Industry-Wide Defined Contribution section (IWDC).

The annual Insight newsletter 2022 is full of articles designed to help members get to grips with their pension and plan for the future, including:

  • Tax and pensions – an easy-read guide
  • The IWDC pension explained from pay to retirement
  • An introduction to the new investment funds
  • How to use the new Retirement budgeting calculator
  • The options in retirement – explanations of drawdown, annuity and encashment
  • How to boost pensions, updates on pension news, and much more!

Members of the Industry-Wide Defined Contribution section (IWDC) of the Railways Pension Scheme receive Insight in the post every year.  This latest edition is also available online if you go to Insight on this website.