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Hiatus in employment

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What you need to know about hiatus as an employer.

We’ve launched a new video for employers on ‘hiatus’ and what you should do if an employee requests one. You can watch the What to do when a hiatus is requested video or find a link on the Help Files page.

A workplace hiatus, sometimes called a sabbatical, or career break, is when an employee takes time away from work and has a subsequent break from their pension.

A hiatus at work is becoming far more commonplace and is usually for a significant amount of time, without pay. Acceptable reasons include volunteering, personal development, a return to higher education, travel, or more.

Although hiatus is normally just an agreement between the employer and the employee, as an employer, you should check your own company policies and Section rules before approving.

If a hiatus is approved, this explanatory video will offer you a guide to your responsibilities regarding your absent employee’s pension, as well as information on any charges payable. You will find out how your employee can avoid a break in service, if requested, and the steps you both need to take to resume pension contributions on return to work.

This video on hiatus is the first in a new series of informative videos we’re creating for employers. The next one will be on managing new joiners to the Scheme.