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Your new BTPFSF pensions communications toolkits are now available

New pensions communications toolkits are now available, to help you share information about pensions with your colleagues in the British Transport Police Force Superannuation Fund (BTPFSF).

Visit now to get started.

Membership of the British Transport Police Force Superannuation Fund (BTPFSF) is one of the most valuable benefits employees receive as part of their rewards package. And, if they understand their pension and manage it effectively, it can make a huge difference to the quality of their lives once they stop work.

We know you want to help your employees and colleagues get the most from their Fund membership, so at you’ll find content on a wide range of important pensions topics, all readily available for you to download and share via your own internal channels. This could include email, newsletters, intranets/websites, induction sessions, noticeboards, social media and more.

The toolkits also include handy campaign plans, with ideas on how you can use different content as part of a multi-stage campaign to help your colleagues understand, engage with, and get the most from their pension.

For example, if you are concerned that the number employees with an up-to-date nomination is low, you could use a mixture of the emails, factsheets and videos from the Nominations toolkit to promote the importance of making a nomination, and increase completions.

What’s on the site? is available to everyone, but has been created specifically for employers in the railways pension schemes. It will be most beneficial to your internal communications teams, and/or anyone in your organisation who deals with employee pensions.

Topics currently covered on the site include:


  • The importance of making a nomination
  • How to make a nomination
  • The advantages of completing and regularly updating nomination forms


  • Why members should register for an online myFund account
  • How to register for a myFund account
  • How members can use their online account to manage their pension and plan for retirement, at a time and place convenient for them

More toolkits will be added soon, with forthcoming topics including scams, pension basics, tax and saving more.

Each topic is covered by content in various formats, such as:

  • News articles
  • Emails
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Infographics
  • Posters
  • Banner images (to use on your websites)
  • Factsheets
  • Videos
  • Social media posts, and
  • Campaign plans

So you should find something to suit your own communication needs.

How to use the site

To access the site, visit or use the link on the bottom of the Employer Portal homepage, at

Once you’re on the site, you can find the toolkits for Fund members by filtering for ‘BTP’ at the top of the homepage.

You can then see the full list of content available, simply by scrolling down the page and selecting which items you want to view.

Filter content
Alternatively, you can filter the content to view specific:

  • File types (PDFs, Word documents, MP4 files, PowerPoint presentations, JPEGs, etc.)
  • Topics (nominations, registrations, etc.)
  • Types of content (videos, articles, graphics or posters, etc.)

To do this, select the file type icon or the checkboxes next to the topics and content types that are listed.

View and download content

Your filtered results will be shown further down the screen. You can select ‘Preview’ to see the content, or the download icon in the bottom right, to save any content. With videos, when you preview, you’ll be shown an embed code that you can copy and then paste into the html for your websites or emails.

We’ll be adding content on more pensions topics over time, so there’s a green ‘New’ tag to help you quickly and easily identify any content that might have been added recently. Each item also shows the publish date so you know when the content was originally added to the site.

We recommend you check each piece of content before you share it. You can then share it via any channels you have available within your organisation.

Share your ideas for future content

We’ll be adding more content to the site over time, so we’re keen to hear what topics and types of content you’re interested in.

Please email with any suggestions for us to consider, or speak to your Client Relationship Manager.

If you’re using content from the site or running a campaign, we’d love to know what you’ve got planned and how it worked for you, so please let us know.