
News updates

Extra newsletter out now

Employer portal 300 x180px - Insight May 2024
The 2024 issue of Extra, the newsletter for preserved members of the RPS and the BTP Fund, is now available to read online.

It will soon be landing on members' doorsteps too. 

This is the last issue of Extra that will automatically be posted to members. If they still want to get a paper copy, they need to tell us. They can do this by logging in to their myRPS and myFund account. 

This issue includes information on:

  • Our move to digital and what you might need to do
  • the 2024 pension increase
  • how we invest your pension
  • the Scheme's 30th anniversary and how to get involved in the celebrations
  • nominating loved ones
  • a recap of the latest pension news
  • keeping safe from scammers
  • how to share your opinion on the communications you receive from the Scheme

We’d love feedback on Extra


Members can let us know their thoughts on this issue by filling out this short survey.