
News updates

The latest Focus newsletter is out now

Focus August 2024 newsletter
The latest issue of the Focus newsletter for members currently paying into the Fund is now available.
It'll also be landing on members' doorsteps soon. 

In this edition, there are articles that cover:

  • the options that may be available for members when they take their benefits, depending on their circumstances
  • changes to AVC funds 
  • a round-up of pension news 
  • going paperless with pension communications, and the options for members 
Here's the latest issue of Focus.

Communication options for members 

It's important for members to let us know how they want to hear about their pension. If members want to keep receiving paper copies for other communications, they'll have to let us know. They can do that via this form.

If a member is happy to get their documents digitally, then they don't need to tell us. But they will need a myFund account to access them online. If they already have an account, they'll start getting documents online automatically. If they haven't, they can register for an account on the BTP website.

We'd love feedback on Focus

Members can let us know their thoughts on this issue by filling out the short survey